TSXV:FG $0.035 OTCQB:FGLDF $0.0223 FSE:3FA 0,0135 €
The newly documented Sugar Shear extends over 360m along the northern shore of Sapawe Lake, 650m southwest of the J.J. Walshe workings and returned values up to 22.9 g/t Au in blast rock from historical workings. Mineralization occurs within strongly quartz-sericite-ankerite-chlorite-pyrite altered felsic to mafic volcanic schist with millimeter to decimeter wide quartz-chlorite-pyrite-chalcopyrite veins with a strike width of 5-7m across.
The Monte Zone, 970m east-northeast of the J.J. Walshe shaft, is also newly documented and returned values up to 3.63 g/t Au in ankerite-sericite-chlorite-pyrite altered volcanic schist, and anomalous values in altered quartz-feldspar porphyritic intrusions and quartz veins in the schist.
The Honey Zone is a new discovery located on the north shore of Sapawe Lake, 600m east-southeast of the J.J. Washe showing with up to 1.04 g/t Au. Gold mineralization occurs within and along a strongly altered, steeply north-dipping, boudinaged quartz porphyritic intrusion in very highly strained volcanic rocks, associated with arsenopyrite and pyrite in fractures, quartz veins and disseminated in wall rock.
The Hoist Zone occurs 1900m east-northeast of the J.J. Walshe shaft, within mixed tonalite, granodiorite and gabbro near the folded contact of the greenstone and intrusive complex to the north. Mineralization consists of mm quartz-pyrite-chalcopyrite veins near gabbro-granodiorite contacts displaced by steep north dipping shear zones. Up to 1.12 g/t gold occurs in altered granodiorite.