TSXV:FG $0.035 OTCQB:FGLDF $0.0223 FSE:3FA 0,0135 €
The Great Burnt Property is hosted within the Great Burnt greenstone belt (GBGB). The Great Burnt greenstone belt is host to the Great Burnt Copper Zone with an indicated resource of 381,300 tonnes at 2.68% Cu and inferred resources of 663,100 tonnes at 2.10% Cu.
Recent drilling in 2020 by Spruce Ridge Resources reported 8.06% Cu over 27.2 m (TSXV:SHL press release dated March 18, 2021).
The Great Burnt greenstone belt also hosts the South Pond A and B copper-gold zones and the End Zone copper prospect within a 14 km mineralized corridor.