TSXV:FG $0.035   OTCQB:FGLDF $0.0223  FSE:3FA 0,0135 €

Outarde Property

Northwest of Baie-Comeau, Quebec


  • The Outarde Property is a Ni-Cu-Co project located 120 km northwest of Baie-Comeau, Quebec consisting of 93 claims covering 5,138 hectares.
  • The Property forms part of the De La Blanche Mafic Plutonic Suite, a large folded gabbro-norite suite of rocks.
  • Grab sampling has produced results of 1.28% Ni, 1.38% Cu and 700 ppm Co.

The gabbro-norite body occupies the entire length of the property (about 30 km) and has only been intermittently explored. Nickel and copper-bearing sulphides are generally located in fracture or shear zones. Highlights of the best Ni and Cu assays are 1.28% Ni and 1.38% Cu and 700 ppm Co from a grab sample. The property has not been drilled. Recommended work includes a high-resolution airborne magnetic and electromagnetic survey followed by ground truthing of detected anomalies. Grab samples are selected samples and not necessarily representative of the mineralization hosted on the property.