TSXV:FG $0.035 OTCQB:FGLDF $0.0223 FSE:3FA 0,0135 €
Due to visible gold noted in many of the samples, Falcon has commissioned total metallics gold analyses to determine the effect of the nuggety nature of gold may have had original fire assay method results. These values will be released once they have been obtained. Grab samples are select samples and may not necessarily be representative of the mineralization on the property. Backpack drilling is a portable drill utilizing chips of rock from a small-sized diameter hole drilled from surface.
The Spitfire-Sunny Boy discovery has been referred to as an epithermal gold discovery by past operators and is hosted within the Quesnellia terrane, characterized by submarine volcanic and volcaniclastic rocks of the Nicola group to the south and the Takla group in the north. Two major north trending structures divide the area into three structure subdivisions. The Central and Eastern belts are separated by the Summers Creek Fault. The Central and Western belts are separated by the Allison Fault system. Locally, dacite and rhyolite flows, welded tuff and breccia and intercalated intermediate to felsic heterolithic volcaniclastic rocks are interpreted as representative of centres of felsic volcanism. The gold mineralization and geological setting of the project bears similarities to other developed projects in the region such as the epithermal gold deposits, Prospect Valley and Shovelnose, currently being explored by Westhaven Ventures Inc.