TSXV:FG $0.035 OTCQB:FGLDF $0.0223 FSE:3FA 0,0135 €
The Timmis West Property covers 5 mining claims totaling 1,940 hectares within the Kamiskotia Gabbroic Complex (KGC) located 20 km northwest of Timmins, Ontario (Figure 1). The KGC is a gabbroic to anorthositic intrusive mafic to ultra-mafic body that has documented nickel-copper-cobalt (Ni-Cu-Co) mineralization. An outcrop grab sample in 2004 reported 0.44% Ni, 0.64% Cu and 0.033% Co hosted by 10% pyrrhotite. The Property lies 40 km southwest of the Crawford Ni-Co Project being developed by Canada Nickel (TSXV:CNC).
The KGC shares many similarities to other well-known complexes such as the Bushveld Complex (South Africa), the Stillwater Complex (USA) and Bell River Dore Lake Complexes (Quebec) (Barrie, 2000). The Timmins West Ni-Cu-Co property has historically been explored for gold. However, it’s mafic to ultra-mafic composition within the KGC makes it a prime target for magmatic Ni-Cu-Co mineralization. The regional government flown magnetic signature of the KGC suggests a possible layer within the KGC that has the potential to a host a pyrrhotite-rich cumulate layer host to Ni-Cu-Co mineralization. An outcrop grab sample in (AFRI 42A12SE2024, sample 185247) taken in 2004 reported 0.44% Ni, 0.645% Cu, 332 ppm Co, 0.053 g/t Au and 3 g/t Ag. This sample was associated with 10% pyrrhotite in a gabbroic mafic outcrop. Eight (8) additional samples within 15 m of the 185247 also reported anomalous Ni-Cu-Co values.